Side Quest: Greppin’ for Gold


With this puzzle, we have to grep the output of nmap -oG. The typcial format of these types of files is can be found on the official Nmap website:

Nmap Greppable Output Format

Question #1: What port does have open?

Here it’s just a basic grep command for the string I used the -F flag which searches for a fixed string and can make the search run slightly faster. The second line of the results clearly shows us port 62708 was open during the scan.

Answer #1

Question #2: What port does have open?

This uses the same grep command as the first and gives us the answer 8080.

Answer #2

Question #3: How many hosts appear “Up” in the scan?

Now we’re going to pipe the grep results through wc -l to get a line count - 26054.

Answer #3

Question #4: How many hosts have a web port open? (Let’s just use ) TCP ports 80, 443, and 8080)

In this question, we’re going to use egrep (we could have also used grep -e) to perform a regex search for all three ports. Then, the results will be piped to wc -l to get the final line count - 14372.

Answer #4

Question #5: How many hosts with status Up have no (detected) open TCP ports?

This solution is a lot more involved so we’ll break it down step by step.

  1. Use cut -d " " -f2 to pull out the second column of a space-delimited table (i.e. save only the IP address from each line)

  2. Use grep -v "Nmap" to collect all lines except those containing the string Nmap

  3. Use sort | uniq -c to sort IPs in numerical order and then get a unique count of each.

  4. Use grep -F "1 " to collect only the IPs that appear only once.

  5. Use wc -l to get a line count.

We get 402 as the answer.

Answer #5

Question #6: What’s the greatest number of TCP ports any one host has open?

Again, we’ll break this down step by step since this has several commands.

  1. Use grep -F "Ports" to collect the lines that contain the keyword Ports

  2. Use awk -F "open" '{print NF-1}' to count each instance of the word open in a given line

  3. Use sort | uniq to find unique aggregates

We’re looking for the greatest number which is 12. Answer #6

Hindsight being 20/20, I could have piped the output through sort -n -r | head -1 which would have sorted the numbers in descending order and then returned the top result.

To see my other writeups for this CTF, check out the tag #kringlecon-2021.
